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Diabetic Do's & Don'ts For Your Feet

Writer: Foot & Ankle Specialists of AzFoot & Ankle Specialists of Az

Man grabbing foot in pain sitting down on the floor.

People with diabetes often have to take extra consideration when it comes to their feet. This is for a variety of reasons including increased risk for nerve damage, and decreased blood flow. We'll break down some of the most common do's and don'ts for your feet so you can stay in tip-top shape!


Care For Your Feet

Caring for your feet is a great way to check up on your feet and assess for injuries or anything out of the ordinary you may not have noticed. Keep your feet moisturized to prevent cracking, and semi-regularly get an inspection from a foot and ankle specialist to reduce your risk of amputations becoming a necessity.

Keep Your Body Moving

A body in motion stays in motion! Even if you have a desk job, moving your ankles and giving your feet a good shake while getting some steps in can keep blood flowing through your feet and preventing issues that can arise from lack of movement like swelling and loss of muscle.

Monitor Blood Sugar

We don't have to tell you this one, but we will because its important! Blood sugar spikes can cause an increased risk of infection, nerve damage, and heart disease if left untreated long term. Regularly checking your blood sugar allows you to stay on top of your health and address any spikes as they come.


Don't Use Heating Pads

Heating pads or heated water bottles can feel nice in the moment, but run the risk of burning your feet without you even noticing. Patients with nerve damage are not aware of the intensity these heating devices bring when left on for extended periods of time.

Limit Barefoot Walking

Even a small scratch or nick can become a major problem for diabetics. Because diabetes impacts your white blood cell function and your ability to heal wounds, a small cut on your foot that would normally heal on its own turns into a larger problem.

Don't Try to Remove Corns/Calluses On Your Own

In the same vein as limiting your time barefoot, trying to remove corns and calluses on your own can become a much bigger problem if done without a qualified foot and ankle specialist. Different treatment options exist depending on the severity of the corn/callus and your podiatrist will be able to recommend the best plan of action to limit pain and injury to your feet.

Foot & Ankle Specialists of Arizona is here for you. With over five valley locations, we can help you wherever you are. Foot and ankle pain isn't normal! Contact us today to get back on your feet with the care you deserve.

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